Der LSVD Berlin-Brandenburg lädt als offizieller Partner des Europäischen Jugend-Bildungsprogramms „Together against homophobia and sexism in Europe“ zur Abschlussveranstaltung des Trainingskurses ein.
Englischsprachige Veranstaltung:
“A Rainbow from Lisbon to Vilnius?”
Challenges and Strategies for LGBT activism in Europe.
Panel discussion and exchange with young LGBT activists from Lithuania, Portugal, Poland and Austria.
Get to know the situation of LGBT in other countries, creative methods of activism and best practice. Networking opportunity with activists.
Fr. 28.03.2014, 19:30 at Glogauerstraße 19, in the rooms of TrIQ e.V.
(The rooms are wheelchair accessible. The entrance is free.)
organised by solar e.V.:
„A Rainbow from Lisbon to Vilnius?”
Fr. 28.03.2014, 19:30 at Glogauerstraße 19, in the rooms of TrIQ e.V.
(The rooms are wheelchair accessible. The entrance is free.)