Intimate relations of a couple of two woman – Workshop with Safir Ofir Lavee (Israel)


Wir freuen uns euch mitteilen zu können, dass wir Sari Ofir Lavee als Gastreferentin (Bal-Ilan University Israel) für zwei Workshops gewinnen konnten. Zu den jeweiligen Inhalten findet ihr weiter unten genauere Infos. Wir bitten um Anmeldung bis spätestens 19. Februar 2014.

The second workshop will deal with the intimate relations of a couple of two women:

Women’s roles (sexual and intimate) in and outside of bedroom, dealing with the concept of the lesbian „death bed“, and the unique challenges of the lesbian couple (in the bedroom and outside the bedroom).

Montag , 24.Februar 2014 19 Uhr
Intimate relations of a couple of two women  – Workshop with Sari Ofir Lavee (Israel)
(Nur in englischer Sprache)
Regenbogenfamilienzentrum ,

Cheruskerstr . 22, 10829 Berlin
Anmeldung :

A little bit about Sari Ofir Lavee:

Sari Ofir Lavee, M.S.W, Social worker, certified sex therapist and supervisor for sex therapists. Professor at the „Bar-Ilan University“, Israel for the program „Sex Therapy“ – at the school of Social Work studies. Practices therapy in private practice. Activist for gay rights, among the founders of IGY: Israeli Gay Youth Movement. Specializes working with GLBT individuals, couples and families.

Intimate relations of a couple of two woman –
Workshop with Safir Ofir Lavee (Israel)

Montag , 24.Februar 2014 19 Uhr


Cheruskerstr . 22, 10829 Berlin